We as an employer


Our efforts to be an excellent employer have been recognized with several prestigious awards:

  • TOP JOB employer: PTS-Prüftechnik is proud to have been recognized as a TOP JOB employer since 2017. The ongoing recognition underlines our commitment to employee satisfaction, which motivates us to look to the future with confidence and further strengthen our qualities as an employer. Further information here: Arbeitgebersiegel TOP JOB als Auszeichnung der besten Unternehmen im deutschen Mittelstand

  • Top performer in the region (IHK Ostwuerttemberg): For our continuous participation in the Top Job Analysis over several years, we were honored with the "Top performer in the region" award from the IHK Ostwuerttemberg. Our efforts to continuously develop our attractiveness as an employer were highlighted. Further information here: Leistungsträger der Region - IHK Ostwürttemberg

  • Medium-sized business award „LEA“: This award recognizes our commitment to social responsibility. As part of the Waldstetter Christmas wishes, we were once again honored as a "socially committed company". Further information here: Home (

    These awards encourage us to continue on our path and continuously improve as an employer. Become part of our success story and shape the future with us.
Innovationspreis für Talente und Patente
PTS-Prüftechnik, sozial engagiert
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PTS-Prüftechnik GmbH
Head quarter
Bettringer Straße 42
73550 Waldstetten

Plant 2
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 20
73550 Waldstetten

Phone: +49 7171 / 9080 071
Telefax: +49 7171 / 9080 072
Fax PC: +49 7171 / 9080 073
E-Mail: info(at)

Branch Schwäbisch Gmünd
Güglingstraße 68
73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd

Güglingstraße 106
73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd

Branch Kreut
Burgwaldring 11
86697 Oberhausen / Kreut

Branch Gifhorn
Braunschweiger Str. 108
38518 Gifhorn

Branch Remshalden
Fellbacher Straße 37
73630 Remshalden

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