Test Rig Technology

As a medium-sized company we are a reliable partner of the automotive industry and we are familiar with daily challenges of development departements of OEMs and suppliers. Our Know-how in testing of systems or single parts on test rigs can be found in our products and expands on problem definitions of development areas defined by our customers. For this reason we have developed solutions in test rig technology in order to enable a first class working environment and

  • a maximum flexibility
  • safe jobs for our employees
  • cost-efficient construction, reconstruction and operation of technical plants
  • ressource saving and sustainable technologies

Flexible Mounting System AS 3000E

Our flexible mounting system AS 3000E offers the possibility of an efficient usage of existing test capacities. With this solution it is possible to build a test field starting with one test rig in shortest time. more

Variable Test Cell VPZ 2000E

In order to use perfectly existing spaces the housing for machines and plants shall be flexible. The VPZ2000E provides high variability of interior space and simultaneously shortest setup and change time. more

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PTS-Prüftechnik GmbH
Head quarter
Bettringer Straße 42
73550 Waldstetten

Plant 2
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 20
73550 Waldstetten

Phone: +49 7171 / 9080 071
Telefax: +49 7171 / 9080 072
Fax PC: +49 7171 / 9080 073
E-Mail: info(at)

Branch Schwäbisch Gmünd
Güglingstraße 68
73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd

Güglingstraße 106
73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd

Branch Kreut
Burgwaldring 11
86697 Oberhausen / Kreut

Branch Gifhorn
Braunschweiger Str. 108
38518 Gifhorn

Branch Remshalden
Fellbacher Straße 37
73630 Remshalden

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