Vehicle Testing

Vehicle Testing

More and more systems and technical innovations, that are implemented in vehicles, require appropriate testing. As a result besides every day testing a new focus with more and more importance rises: the future orientated test planning.

Future mobility challenges vehicle testing departments in order to develop further.
We support you in your ongoing testing and prepare your vehicle testing for future challenges. We provide charging strategies for electrificated drives, digital on-board failure tracking with an automated evaluation and special vehicle testings coordinated with customer's wish.

Imagine future challenges: we support you with concepts and constructive solutions you can rely on. Our execution of service contracts by adherence of customers demands is tested and approved by several OEMs.

Entire vehicle and component testing

We conduct customer-oriented vehicle testing in endurance runs at high security level by simultaneously high data quality. Entire vehicles and components are tested by our engineers supported by our special educated employees,  that all passed our driver's academy. more

Erprobung alternativer Antriebskonzepte

Testing of alternative drive concepts

Alternative drive concepts and their technologies enhance the complexity and challenges for testing. We conduct the testing of newest drive technologies for our customers. more

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PTS-Prüftechnik GmbH
Head quarter
Bettringer Straße 42
73550 Waldstetten

Plant 2
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 20
73550 Waldstetten

Phone: +49 7171 / 9080 071
Telefax: +49 7171 / 9080 072
Fax PC: +49 7171 / 9080 073
E-Mail: info(at)

Branch Schwäbisch Gmünd
Güglingstraße 68
73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd

Güglingstraße 106
73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd

Branch Kreut
Burgwaldring 11
86697 Oberhausen / Kreut

Branch Gifhorn
Braunschweiger Str. 108
38518 Gifhorn

Branch Remshalden
Fellbacher Straße 37
73630 Remshalden

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